Training and Access Project:

Professional Development for School Communities on
Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral Health

Professional Development for School Communities on Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral Health

The Training and Access Project (TAP)

The Training and Access Project (TAP), an initiative within Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships, presents free online professional development webinars for clinicians and educators within Boston Public Schools to support the strengthening and sharing of knowledge, practices, resources, and connections in order to build capacity to address social-emotional learning and behavioral health in schools.

For our webinar series for school-based clinicians, free CEUs are offered for social workers, psychologists, school nurses, and licensed mental health counselors (LMHCs). A certificate of completion is also available for those not seeking CEUs.

Please find more information below and sign up for our email list for updated information on topics, registration, and resources.

We look forward to seeing you there!

About Us

Boston Children's Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships (BCHNP) is the school-based behavioral health program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

The Training and Access Project (TAP), an initiative within BCHNP, provides professional development and consultation services to help build schools’ capacity to support students’ social, emotional, and behavioral health needs.

Contact us at if you have any questions about our program and initiatives.

BCHNP would like to thank the Charles and Gloria Clough Foundation, the Manton Foundation, and National Life Group Charitable Foundation Inc., for making these projects possible.

We would also like to thank Giro Studios for the production and support of webinars, videos, and website.